Message sent from:
Theo from Thelwall says:
Try your best and never give up
Help and respect others
Enjoy yourself
Our school is where everyone matters.


All admissions are done through Warrington Local Authority.
Please use the link below

Warrington Borough Council Admissions


Admission authorities are required to consult if they intend to make changes to their admission arrangements. The law states that a consultation to make changes must take place for a minimum of six weeks between 1 October and 31 January.

Schools in Warrington are proposing to make changes to their admission arrangements for pupils joining from September 2024.


To view the proposed arrangements, please visit https://www.warrington.gov.uk/consultations

Please contact the local authority to find out about admission arrangements on Tel: 01925 446226 or email: schooladmissions@warrington.gov.uk

Secondary school admissions

Information about transferring your child from primary school to secondary school in September 2023.

The online form should be completed by Warrington residents only. If you wish to state a preference for a Warrington school and live outside the area you should apply through your own Local Authority.

Children who are due to start secondary school in September 2024,  will receive a letter and a secondary schools admission leaflet [pdf] which will give details about the application process.

All applicants should read the information booklet Secondary Education – Information for Parents  before completing the application form.

If any of your preferences are for Faith schools then the schools own supplementary form should be completed as well as the online application form. Supplementary forms are also available from the individual schools. The supplementary forms should be returned to the school.

map of the location [jpg] of all Warrington Secondary schools and Colleges is available for your information.

You will find it useful to have your letter and leaflet to hand when starting your online application form.

To apply

The online application form is available from 1 September 2023 until midnight on 31October 2023. Please click on the link below to register and apply.

To register and apply online for admission to secondary school

Offer information

The offer information will be sent to your home address on 1 March 2024. If you express a preference to receive the offer information via email this will also be sent to the email address provided by you at the time of application. Emails will be sent out from 10.00am on 1 March.

In the unlikely event of the email notifying the offer of a school which is different to the offer information in the letter, the school place offered in the letter will always prevail.



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