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Try your best and never give up
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Our school is where everyone matters.

Welcome to Class 5 - Mr Goulder

A warm welcome to Class 5. Mr Goulder, Mrs Hallsworth and Mr Malone are looking forward to an exciting term ahead. We hope that everyone had a wonderful break over the summer and are ready to learn. Below is an overview of our upcoming topics.

English: The first half term in Class 5 the children will be focusing on the text called Farther by Grahame Baker-Smith. The children will complete various activities around using adverbs, modal verbs, use of relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose and that or an omitted relative pronoun as well as the use of prefixes. The children will build up to writing a setting narrative and a letter over the course of the first half term.  

The second half term will focus on the text When We Walked on the Moon by David Long which links in well to our earth and space topic in Science. The children will work on their knowledge of a variety of punctuation and grammar focuses including converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes, understanding expanded noun phrases, developing their understanding of using the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause as well as the use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity. The children will use all of these skills to build up to writing an exploration narrative and a formal mission log.

Spelling: Children will have additional spelling sessions alongside our daily English sessions, where we will focus on different spelling patterns and continue to build on the statutory word lists for year 5 and 6. Our new spelling programme links together handwriting, phonic knowledge, spelling rules, grammar and punctuation. The children will have spellings sent home each week and be tested on them the following week.

Science: During the first half term, our topic will be ‘Earth and Space’. The children be introduced to a model of the Sun and Earth that enables them to explain day and night. Pupils will learn that the Sun is a star at the centre of our solar system and that it has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (Pluto was reclassified as a ‘dwarf planet’ in 2006). They will understand that a moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet.

In the second half term, our topic will be ‘Light’. The children will build on the work they did in lower school by carrying out various investigations to observe and recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines and use that idea to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. They will also be able to use scientific language to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. Children are encouraged to work scientifically and will have plenty of opportunities to explore questions they may think of throughout the topic as well as presenting and explaining their findings.

P.E: Class 5 will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. PE kits will be worn on PE days with plain black or navy jogging pants or leggings if the weather is cold. School sweatshirts and cardigans can also be worn. During one lesson per week, children will develop skills and learn rules to play games such as hockey and basketball. The second PE lesson will be a skills-based session developing children’s sporting skills with a variety of challenges.

Art and DT: In Art, the children will look at a range of architectures such as Gaudi and his major artworks, focusing on Barcelona architecture.  They will use pencil and charcoal to create different dimensions.  In DT, the children will carry out research and design a frame structure.  They will use finishing and decorative techniques suitable for their product and will carry out a detailed evaluation at the end.

French: In our French lessons, we will be becoming more confident with introducing ourselves and sharing information about ourselves. The children will be able to say which subjects they like and dislike. In the second half term we will learn about the main features of a town in France and giving be able to buy a ticket for travel and ask directions to find different places. The children will also design festive French jumpers.

Homework: Children are asked to read three times a week and complete an activity on Spag.com or Maths.co.uk each week for their homework. Children also need to practise their spellings which have been sent home in preparation for their test. They will also have access to the online platform ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ which they can use at home as often as they like.

History: This term we shall be studying the Maya civilisation. We have secured a visit from ‘Dr Diane’ who is the UK’s only Maya archaeologist. She will bring a wealth of expertise and insights with her alongside a wide range of artefacts to study and handle. During our history topic, we shall learn about the Mayan system of numbers, learning how to count and calculate with their system. We shall be learning about their culture, technological developments and notable achievements whilst comparing this to what was happening in Britain at this time.

Computing: For the first half term, we shall be following an e-safety programme to ensure that pupils are savvy and safe online. We shall also be discovering our new Google Classroom space and familiarising ourselves with it’s functions so that we can utilise them throughout the year. During the second half term we aim to be programming using our new ‘micro:bits’ to write more complex algorithms for a purpose, use a more systematic approach to debugging code, justifying what is wrong and how it can be corrected and use a range of programming commands.

PHSE: This term we are looking at ‘families and relationships’ where pupils will describe what qualities a good friend should have and recognise which of these they have and which they could develop. They will be able to recognise that friendships have ups and downs and this is normal and to understand that attitudes and laws around gender equality have changed over time. Pupils will also understand that stereotypes exist and these can lead to discrimination.

Music: This term, Mr Smith shall be visiting Class 5 to work with us on choral singing – we are looking forward to developing our singing voices and learning new songs.





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